
Kuyumcu is a cryptocurrency swap service. It allows you to exchange the Moon to Banano and vice-versa. The balance will be available in your personal wallet instantly.
Currently, the following limits per transaction apply:
  • For buying Moon: Minimum amount is 20 Banano. Maximum amount depends on the current Moon balance of Kuyumcu.
  • For selling Moon: Minimum amount is 1 Moon. Maximum amount depends on the current Banano balance of Kuyumcu.
  • No, there are no transaction fees. Transactions are carried out at the current exchange rate of Kuyumcu, which can be seen on the buy/sell buttons and on the deposit page. You may enjoy your free and instant trades.
    Unfortunately, Reddit has stopped their Vault service. If you had any Moons there, you can follow this tutorial to recover (and still use) your Moons:
    1. Open Reddit app and go to your Reddit Vault.
    2. Click to the three dots "•••". Then click on the "Recovery Phrase".
    3. Copy that recovery phrase and go to iancoleman.io/bip39. You can use this page while you are offline for safety purposes.
    4. Paste your recovery phrase to the "BIP39 Mnemonic" field.
    5. On the "Coin" field, select "ETH - Ethereum".
    6. Scroll down, and you'll see a table in "Derived Addresses" with many paths, addresses, public and private keys. In the first row, you can find your address and private key. Now copy the private key of the first row.
    7. Go to your MetaMask and click to the "Import Account". Paste the private key and press the "Import" button.
    8. Now you've imported the address, but you have to add the Arbitrum Nova network. On the Metamask, follow the "Settings -> Networks -> Add Network" path and add enter the network details:

      Network name: Reddit

      RPC URL: https://arbitrum-nova.drpc.org

      Chain ID: 42170

      Block Explorer URL: https://nova.arbiscan.io/

    9. Now you should add the MOON token. Click "Import tokens", then add the details:
    10. Token Contract Address: 0x0057Ac2d777797d31CD3f8f13bF5e927571D6Ad0
    11. Token Symbol: MOON (it will automatically show up)
    12. Token Decimal: 18
    13. Then press the "Add Custom Token" button.
    14. Now if you want to send Moons, you need some Ethereum to cover the gas fees. Please try using the faucet: novafaucet.com, you can bridge some Ethereum from Ethereum main network to Arbitrum Nova network from here: bridge.arbitrum.io/?l2ChainId=42170. 0.01 ETH would cover a lot of transactions, because a Moon transfer uses something like 0.00000065501 ETH for gas.
    15. Now you can send MOONs from your MetaMask to your deposit address using moon.banano.trade.
    First of all, remember to store your seed in a safe place so that you can switch between wallets when there's a problem with the wallet or device you're using.
  • For Banano on mobile, use Kalium from App Store/Google Play. On web, you can use The Banano Stand.
  • For Moons, an Ethereum wallet like MetaMask is the best option. If you're using a wallet like MetaMask, you should add the L2 network to your wallet by following Settings -> Networks -> Add network. You can find the network details on the question below.
  • Network name: Arbitrum Nova
  • RPC URL: https://a4ba.arbitrum.io/rpc
  • Chain ID: 42170
  • Block Explorer URL: https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/
  • Moons:
  • Token Contract Address: 0x0057Ac2d777797d31CD3f8f13bF5e927571D6Ad0
  • Token Symbol: MOON
  • Token Decimal: 18
  • To get Moon in exchange for Banano, you will need an Ethereum address where the bought Moon amount will be sent to. You can use the address on your MetaMask, which starts with 0x, but make sure to add the Arbitrum Nova network to MetaMask. If you don't have an address, you can create an Ethereum address from a number of different services, for example with MetaMask. Also, you will need a Banano address with Banano balance.
    1. On the Kuyumcu main page, click the "BUY Moon" button.
    2. Enter your Moon address that you want to receive coins to, and enter a Banano refund address, then click the "Continue" button.
    3. You will be shown a Banano address. From your Banano wallet, send a Banano amount that you want to exchange with Moon. The amount you send must be between the specified minimum and maximum amounts.
    4. Press the "Submit" button to finalize the transaction.
    5. On the final screen, you will see the Moon amount received and the exchange rate. You can click the "Transaction" link to see the transaction on the blockchain.
    To get Banano in exchange for Moon, you will need a Banano address where the bought Banano amount will be sent to. If you don't have one, you can create a Banano address from a number of different services, for example with The Banano Stand. Also, you will need an Ethereum address with Moon balance, you can use your MetaMask.
    1. On the Kuyumcu main page, click the "SELL Moon" button.
    2. Enter your Banano address that you want to receive coins to, and enter a Moon refund address, then click the "Continue" button.
    3. You will be shown a Moon address. From your wallet, send the Moon amount that you want to sell. The amount you send must be between the specified minimum and maximum amounts.
    4. Press the "Submit" button to finalize the transaction.
    5. On the final screen, you will see the Moon amount you've sold and the exchange rate. You can click the "Transaction" link to see the transaction on the blockchain.
    Yes! You can access it using the /api URL. You can see a simple example Python code that get prices using the API and automates Kuyumcu transactions here: github.com/nano-trade/API.